What You Need To Know About The Secret Network That Protect Predator Priests
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What You Need To Know About The Secret Network That Protect Predator Priests

Please Support The OMC Radio TV Studio Fundraiser WARNING THIS PROGRAM IS NOT FOR CHILDREN In this program, we go through parts of the chapter Beyond Belief in David Yallop’s Book The Power and Glory. In it we expose the secret network that the Church uses to protect the criminal clergy, religious brothers and nuns…

0:12 / 12:35 A. Bilheran – Sexual Rights Imposture and Pedophile Law at the Service of Global Totalitarianism (EN subtitles)

0:12 / 12:35 A. Bilheran – Sexual Rights Imposture and Pedophile Law at the Service of Global Totalitarianism (EN subtitles)

Explanations of the Ariane Bilheran’s book “Sexual Rights Imposture and Pedophile Law at the Service of Global Totalitarianism”     “Sexual rights” are a new fashionable ideology, carried by various international bodies in the area of health, and in particular, in the area of the health of minors. In this radical essay, Ariane Bilheran offers,…

Actes pédophiles isolés et/ou trafic d’enfants ? Jean-Pierre MOCKY parle de pédophilie institutionnalisée : LES BALLETS ÉCARLATES

Le réalisateur Jean-Pierre Mocky , explique sur quoi est basé son unique film, censuré par le ministère de la Culture, Les Ballets Écarlates : « Jadis, il y a eu l’histoire qui s’appelle Les Ballets Roses. L’aide de camp du Général de Gaulle convoquait des adolescentes dans un pavillon de chasse, et organisait des.Ça a…