Join The OMC Radio TV Studio Fundraiser In today’s show, we go through a review the updates on our 14 Part Investigation Into The Murder Of Jack Ryan in Vietnam and learned of a DOD project that erased or hidden anything of the real Jack Ryan and our investigations. Please Come To Our Show Page…

Persecuted Christians Should Not Turn To Masonic Organizations
Please Join The OMC Radio TV Studio Fundraiser In our first of seven episodes on the UN and The Bosnian War, we will show why Christian Nations and Persecuted Christians should not turn to Masonic Organizations for protection, because they won’t receive protection. See Complete Series List: The UN and The Bosnian War Join and Support:…

Artsakh Needs Another Gareth Jones
It took a man from Barry Wales to get the West to see the facts of the Holodomor that Stalin caused in the Ukraine by the United States through New York Banks taking the grain to feed us here in the United States and to help build up the Soviet Union and their “military”. Who…

Support Our Work By Joining The Studio Fundraiser In this second episode, we name the Freemasons in the Vatican suspected of being the co-conspirators in the murder of Pope John Paul I, and lay out their motives and movements during the month of September, 1978. Hear about the list of 120 Freemasons given to Pope…

The Beginning Of The Murder Of Pope John Paul I
Please Support Our Work By Joining The Studio Fundraiser The assassination of Pope John Paul I by Ecclesiastical Freemasons is the key event in the history of the Papacy in the last century, and to solve this crime is to unmask the real criminal network which has seized control of the Vatican. In this program…

Reasons Why John Paul II Is Not A Saint
Please JOIN The OMC Radio TV Studio Fundraiser Watch Part One: The Real Life Of Karol Jozef Wojtyla Watch Part Two: The Secret Church Behind John Paul II Get David Yallop Books

The Secrets Of Opus Dei
To Help Support Our Work At OMC Radio TV Please JOIN The OMC Radio TV Studio Fundraiser Get David Yallop Book

What You Need To Know About The Secret Network That Protect Predator Priests
Please Support The OMC Radio TV Studio Fundraiser WARNING THIS PROGRAM IS NOT FOR CHILDREN In this program, we go through parts of the chapter Beyond Belief in David Yallop’s Book The Power and Glory. In it we expose the secret network that the Church uses to protect the criminal clergy, religious brothers and nuns…

Immoral Investment Strategy Of Bernardino Nogara
Please JOIN The OMC Radio TV Studio Fundraiser So We Are Not Censored Anymore! Please Come See The Show Page