Catholic Charities and Human Trafficking
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Catholic Charities and Human Trafficking

  In Today’s program, we go through the history of Catholic Charities USA, their Presidents and their connection to Yale University and the Masonic Lodge Skull and Bones.  We then go into how they get their funding and wonder about the mystery of the remaining funding.  Finally we touch on Catholic Charities or Caritas and…

The Unimaginable Evil Inside The Church
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The Unimaginable Evil Inside The Church

In our next program, I believe this coming Friday, if the mail delivers the book on Thursday, the events, names, dollar amounts, information will shock you to your core.  In this program, we will expose how our Cardinals aren’t even chosen by the Holy Father anymore, neither are the Popes since after Pius X and…

The Religion Of The Antichrist From Holy Scripture and St. Hildegard von Bingen

The Religion Of The Antichrist From Holy Scripture and St. Hildegard von Bingen

  We previously talked about the Antichrist from the writings of St. Hildegard von Bingen Please Also Come Watch These Programs and Read These Reports The Dangers Of Sharing Too Much Information On Big Tech The Dangers Of Social Isolation Agenda 2030: how the Bankers will rule the world through digital currencies Social Isolation, Cult…

It Is Getting Deathly Serious For Artsakh
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It Is Getting Deathly Serious For Artsakh

It has been over 200 days with the blockade of the Lachin Corridor and the off and on of letting the Red Cross take patients into Armenia but can’t bring anything back. This was yesterday at the largest supermarket in the capital and all the supermarkets look like this, empty. The biggest supermarket in Stepanakert…