Explanations of the Ariane Bilheran’s book “Sexual Rights Imposture and Pedophile Law at the Service of Global Totalitarianism”
“Sexual rights” are a new fashionable ideology, carried by various international bodies in the area of health, and in particular, in the area of the health of minors. In this radical essay, Ariane Bilheran offers, without exhaustiveness, an analysis of the excesses already existing in France, in «sexuality education», as well as a literal study of many passages of the «declaration of sexual rights» which supports this pedocriminal ideology, under the guise of fighting for gay rights, women’s rights and health rights. The philosopher and psychologist demonstrates, in line with her extensive work on the psychology of power, how perversion is always associated with paranoia in the advent of totalitarianism. Here she deciphers the perverse mechanisms that contribute to the implementation of this “new world order” through sexual transgression by the sexual transgression of children and adolescents.
Preface by Dr. Judith Reisman